Saturday, May 19, 2012

Southern Grammer: Y'all

"Y'all."  We all know what it means in the north.  What we say?  We say- you guys.  Even if it is a group of 20 girls, it is 'you guys.'  In the western part of PA, they say 'yinz' which is the most awful word in the world.  Now what we know about y'all is also complicated by what we don't know- there are 'different stages' of y'all.

Y'all VS. All Y'all

There is a 'grammatical' difference, in fact.  You can't just willy-nilly throw around 'All Y'all' like you know what is going on.  So, if you ever come visit me in the south, make sure you know the difference or risk sound like a northerner.

Y'All.  What does it mean?  It means multiple people.  In conversation with Jimmy and Terrence, you a Northerner would say, "Y'all going to the show tonight?"  Notice, when I am talking to Jimmy and Terrence, I am only talking to two people.  Very important to note.

Notice two people

Now say, Sandy shows up and you ask the same question to Jimmy, Terrence AND Sandy.  What do you ask?  Simple: "All y'all going to the show tonight?"  One more person is added to the group and suddenly it becomes 'All y'all.'  
Notice more than two people
However, despite the fact that I sorta kinda know the difference, I am going to stick with 'you guys.'  Why?  I am northerner, that's why and you can't make me!!!  And because breaking habits is hard.  And, and, and, I just don't want to! 

So now my students, please share your new knowledge and remember:

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