Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I'm Melting!

It is May 30th.  Summer starts in like three weeks.  It, technically, is spring.  In a normal world, the weather should be a lovely 70-80 degrees.  In Louisiana... it is darn near 7 million degrees.  I would say I was exaggerating, but really, I am under estimating how hot it is spring. 

Well, maybe 7 million degrees is an exaggeration, but you gotta know, that for this time of the year- it is hot in hurrrrrrrr (Nelly, where you go).  Okay, Pennsylvanians.  Think August.  Think that week of heat wave where your air conditioner breaks.  Yep, then.  Right now... May, that's what the weather is.  Heat wave in August with a broken air conditioner.  In fact, here's a picture of me....
Actually, not me, but thanks to, we can pretend it is.

But you know the difference between the guy in the picture and moi?  He looks relieved.  He looks like there may be a gentle rush of cold air from a nearby fan.   For me, there is no gentle breeze created by a godly fan.  No.  I know that there are more, hotter and worse summer days to be felt.  My pit stains will be long and wide.  I am going to have to carry emergency deodorant.  I am going to have to wear dresses to promote air every day.

It's going to be a long and intense road this summer.  I might be pretty smelly at times.  So southerners beware.  A smelly super hot Yankee is in town. 

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