Monday, May 7, 2012

Oh the rain!

3. Weather

Oh how convenient it is that as I write my blog on Louisiana weather and outside the thunder is rolling and rain is falling hard.  It seems like this may be a sign!!!

So it is May as I write this and what I am accustomed to in May is a nice 60-sometimes 80 degree weather.  I usually wear jeans and tshirts and most often, some sort of shoe where my toes don't show.  However, moving to Louisiana means that May is not springtime.  Nay!  Here in the South, I think Springtime happens between February 1st and February 3rd.  Instead of May being spring, May is the dog days of summer.  Think August my fellow Northerners.

To put it simply, it is hot.  Today I am wearing a dress with no sleeves and flip flops and am a little hot.  I could probably go swimming if I were ambitious enough.  And you know what is worse?  It WILL get worse. To ease my worries, people around here keep telling me, 'Oh Jen, you know it's only going to get worse! This will be the worst summer ever!!!'  Aw shucks!  Thanks for sharing!!!

Also, there are hurricanes here. So much so that my job has an action plan for when one happens.  A hurricane checklist if you will. A CHECKLIST.  Well... actually maybe we Northerners have checklists for blizzards.  Milk-check. Bread-check.  Eggs-check. Generator w/ gas- check. 

Which makes me wonder, what would a true Southerner do in a Blizzard?  Would they be all for evacuating like I am for a hurricane?  I am thinking no.  Southerners would probably be like SNOOOOOOOWW!!!  YAYYYYYYY!  Y'know, because many of them have never seen snow in sizable quantities.  They think of snow as some sort of mystical awesomeness.... and it's not.  I HATE SNOW.  Yes, sometimes you get out of school and/or work, but most of the time it just adds time to your commute and it freezes your fingers.  I maintain snow is evil. See below, the true terrible-ness of snow.

 Overall, I think I like the weather better here.  First of all, no snow.  Second of all, little to no cold.  Third of all, gives me a reason to dress cuter.  Fourth of all, no snow. 

But what will I have to deal with in August?  Only time will tell...9. Only time will tell.

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