So, I work at a place that occasionally involves me thinking to myself, 'Man, I really need a pair of cowboy boots.' So much so, that today, I woke up and was like, TODAY IS THE DAY! So, I get up, shower, get dressed and off I go on a hunt for a pair of cowboy boots.
When I set out on my mission, I was hoping to spend, you know, $5 because I am cheap and poor, but was willing to go as high as $30 since I figured I was going to find $5 cowboy boots NO WHERE.... Sad, but true. So I start my journey in Target, wander to another local store, then a thrift store-none of which contained the cowboy boots I so desired. At this point, after an hour and half of running around town, I was frustrated. I had been to one store that lovely boots, beautiful, in fact, only to discover they were $83 + tax (PA friends, they charge tax on shoes, clothes AND food in Louisiana.... yea, take that in.) So I immediately said, no way and continued my journey.
I stop a couple more places and finally get to a place that sells just shoes. I walk the aisles and there they are. Like a beacon of light- cowboy boots. Then, I see the first price tag.... $29.99. I nearly cried with delight. So, I scan the wall, picking up the boots and gently cradling them trying to form a connection with each boot. I decided that, nay! The $29.99 boot was not good as it had little metallic stars on it... ew. So I move on to another pair and another until I look at a pair of boots that were $79.99.
I tried them on. TRIED THEM ON! I even thought to myself, 'y'know, I should do this. Just buy this $80 pair of boots because they are awesome.' An hour prior to this experience, I had said to myself, $83 for a pair of boots is insane and there I was, with $80 boots on, considering how this decision could be the best decision of my life.
I finally talked myself out of the boots, after some convincing and went with a more fiscally responsible $49.99 pair of cowboy boots that are just divine. See picture proof.
Next entry on Monday. I'll continue my top five then.
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