So, my literary piece of genius, my swan song, my calling in life.... my poem, was not well received. No, not only did it get negative reviews from random blog watchers, but also, my mother. My very own mother! The person who bore me from her loins decided that my poem, my reason for living, was 'lack-luster.' This, my friends, is disappointment. She didn't say, "Oh, I hated it." But she kind of did one of those things where you, as a child, know that you've disappointed them. Like I had done poorly on an exam or something.
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Rejection from your mother. Feelsbadman. |
Now that we got that terribly uncomfortable moment in the blog out of the way, when the terrible blogger gets emotional *shudder,* we can now get on to the dirt of this entry. Gas stations.
So yesterday after my failure of a blog went public, I went on a voyage to the movie theatre to see The Avengers (which A. I still have not seen and B. I still have not seen. Another story, another time). So, like any good delinquents, we stop at the neighborhood gas station for water and candy to sneak into the joint. We Bad.

I must state, that I have NEVER been to this gas station before. In fact, I only go to two different gas stations for gas and gum ever. Both very normal. My favorite gas station has a delightful gay man who always wishes me a safe journey. Gay men are great.
So, this new gas station is a drive thru. I thought nothing of this. Thought nothing could be different. Oh boy, was I wrong. We, my roommate and I, we go inside and immediately I am smacked in the face with this overwhelming awe. I have NEVER EVER seen any such gas station. This actually may be a terrible blog entry to write because now it sounds so silly in my head as I think on how to accurately describe my.... confusion when I went inside.
Oh no... another blog failure in 3.....2......
So, this gas station, has nothing in it.... or so it seems. I look around and see some random things like sun tan lotion, batteries... but no coolers.... no candy aisles. I was wholly unprepared for it. Instead, EVERYTHING is behind the counter. And by everything, I mean like three coolers and LOT'S of cigarettes. It was almost like I walked into Tobacco Palace. Like the mecca for Phillip Morris. It was absurd. I mean, I know Sheetz (a link for my southern friends) has drive thru stores, but I can't imagine they would look like this!
I can't describe it. I just can't. Ask my roommate who stupid I looked with my mouth agape. It is probably what people who first walk into a Sheetz looks like. When I used to work there, people were so stunned (code for stupid) by the appearance they'd ask us, 'WHERE IS THE CLOSEST GAS STATION.' We WERE a gas station!!!! Yesterday, I was that stupid customer. I think the counter worker looked at me like I was from Mars.
And I kinda am. Because I am from the north.
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