4. The Hills Have Eyes
The next thing I feel every Southerner should know about the North and PA most specifically that will blow your mind is.... you guessed it, hills. They are everywhere. Here in Louisiana, it is as flat as .... *inappropriate joke.* In PA, think.... *another equally inappropriate joke aimed in the opposite and more 'hilly' direction.*We've got hills going on because we are apart of the Appalachian Mountains. Not nearly as exciting as the Rockies, but certainly a lovely spectacle. In fact, when driving from Philly to Pittsburgh, whilst on the Turnpike, you drive THROUGH mountains. Your radio goes completely static, you have to put on your headlights and you drive through a creepy and moist tunnel that looks like it can collapse at any moment. Terrifying.
Travel Blog had the perfect photo to capture my mood |
But more also, what is awesome about PA, specifically, is the hills.
They are everywhere. The roads go up and down hills. If you were like
me, your PE credit for college required you walking up a seriously
GINORMOUS hill every Mon, Wed and Fri. Actually, everywhere I went in
college required me struggling up these absurd hills. Freshmen 15?
Just do your schooling in the hills of PA!
Virtual Tourist captures the lovely hills perfectly! |
But hills make life tragic. Nothing is worse than trekking over a hill in the snow and ice. If you don't have the proper tires... well, I hope you planned an extra 20 minutes of drive time! And driving up a hill and not knowing if there is traffic coming? Or how about a hill next to a roadway covered in snow? Better watch out for those sledding children!!!
Hills. Overall, they're awesome. |